Sarina BMX Club
BMXTA ROLE: Principal contractor

Increase start hill height from 2m to 5m.
Form and concrete start hill to UCI Compliance.
Supply and install sun safe cover over starting area.
Demolish existing track.
Increase track footprint and capitalise on usable area.
Install new drainage and upgrade existing drains.
Oversee all underground electrical work.
Build new track to meet UCI Guidelines.
5 new straights including a pro straight.
3 new corners to an asphalt finish.
Installation of weather resistant surface to minimise weather damage.
Test ride track and commission.
Supply and construction of new shed for the purpose of being developed into a club house.
The existing track did not meet guidelines to host big events. The simplicity and outdated style of the track also limited development of local riders and the appeal of the sport was fading for long time members as there was no room for progression.
Before starting the project the BMX club had the goal of securing the BMX Queensland state championships, they also wanted to increase member numbers within the club and have more attendance at all events/ training throughout the year.
After completion of the upgrade, the club seen an influx of riders including old members who had left the sport. The club has held multiple events since, including some in the rain, and is often used for training camps by other clubs and regional bodies.
Sarina BMX Club secured rights to host the 2019 BMX Queensland State Championships.